Tuesday, 10 December 2013

#67: One Year On

This is a response to the video 'I had a black dog' released last year by the World Health Organization. If you haven't seen it, it's well worth a watch.


I started this blog as a way to assist
Both myself and those others whose lives sorely missed
That encouraging feeling, that internal hooray
That today is not just yet another decay

I'm pleased to say that in the year that has passed
I've found something different to fly on my mast
A totem I found in a pub near King's Cross
The cheese to my cracker, Rachel to my Ross

I've found me a mad dog
She fights the good fight
She's a beacon of comfort
When there isn't much light

My mad dog envelops
The lesions of fear
But understands when
It's not best to be near

My mad dog comes over
And takes the remote
She changes the channel
And majors the note

My mad dog plays Jenga
And topples the hate
Of myself and the world
And decisions I've made

My mad dog blunts rapiers
And butters the knife
She may well have actually
Just saved my life

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Stomach cramps
Cramping my style
Making every metre
Seem a mile

They crush my spirit
With little warning
Restricting happy
Any morning

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


If Orwell was prophetic
What about Brooker?
Will we see Black Mirror
In a future era? 

Monday, 11 February 2013


"I only cry at movies"
Was what I used to say
The tide then turned
And I soon learned
 Tears could flow another way

Sunday, 10 February 2013


I've always been a pub man
As opposed to a club man
Though I do like a lot
 Of chocolate on my biscuit.

Saturday, 9 February 2013



 Little decisions
Where I've no control
Drive me further
Into the hole.

Friday, 8 February 2013


There's a certain joy to be had
In celebrating when I was a lad.
Take the 5ive song Keep On Movin';
To that aged 10 I was groovin'.

Then Dave J. Giles played a version
 And I felt a huge immersion
In the innocence of my youth,
 And my soul just hit the roof.

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Take it from me.
Bad mornings suck.
I'd like to put
Them in the muck.  

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


To trust oneself
Is quite the fudge
When meh and ohh
Shape how you judge.

And on Tuesday
Came a debate
On how marriage
To legislate.

 Of course, I thought
Equal is right
And why can't they
See the same light?

To trust myself
Is a big deal
When meh and ohh
Is how I feel.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013


On certain days
My brain just says:

You wanna play big?
Welcome to my office.

Monday, 4 February 2013


This is a message
For those who desire
A means of control
And a way to set fire
To the world as they know it
To combust their bad thoughts
And add to life's value
A fat wodge of noughts.

You can do it. I've decided that.

Sunday, 3 February 2013


Tell me a story.
I want to hear trivia.
A tale of what happened
Before you did live here.

I had an adventure
Along the Welsh Marches.
I lived with Nigerians
And watched football matches.
 While Shropshire was lovely
I do prefer London.
There's cultural value
Even when bits are rundown.

Saturday, 2 February 2013


Slim and wiry?

Did I act or blink?
An overthink.

Do my students like me?
Who cares? They're tiny.

Am I keeping moving?
Yes, your health's improving.

Friday, 1 February 2013


To fill my diary's the idea;
 A happy time on every night.
As seeing people numbs the fear
A blank page is a frightening sight.

Thursday, 31 January 2013


The weekend is an odd invention.
And here's why - this is my contention.
For those with sadness have no break
On whichever morning that they wake.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


I see, lying upon my desk, Big Sur by Kerouac.
The escapology in that tome is a mindset I want back.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Follow your instincts.
They're there for a reason.
Or against yourself
You may commit treason.


Monday, 28 January 2013


Good things come to those who wait
Or those who fret and agitate.
Just as long as things you ought to do
Don't pass you by and fall askew.

Sunday, 27 January 2013


It was a genuine pleasure
To have onions make me cry this time.

Saturday, 26 January 2013


Australia Day, two-oh-oh-eight.
Five years ago today.
I took a train to Nottingham
And out we went to play.

But the memory that lingers most
Is what Jim Jefferies said
On Fighting Talk that morning
As I listened from my bed.

Ashley Cole had played away
And thrown up during. Fool.
And asking Jim to comment
Was like a red rag to a bull.

He said, "No, no. That's fair enough.
'Cause, sometimes, you need lube."
And that memory has tickled me
As I sit here on the Tube.

Friday, 25 January 2013


Life is too short to live without poetry
As Francis Turner once said.
 I think I'll always think this way
Until the day I'm dead.

There's something about the structure
That means I feel at ease.
 There's something quite flirtatious in it.
I know, right? I'm a tease. 

Thursday, 24 January 2013


Eliminating worries
Just one at a time.
My daily motivation
As well as these rhymes.

As a Londoner student
Money can get tough.
 An additional problem
Like this isn't enough.
 But of late I've discovered
 That I still have some force
In the poker arena.
A new monetary source.

 I'm a sociable person
And I hate to say no.
But it's not always easy
 When to restaurants we go.
 It isn't my friends' fault
And they're not at all flash.
 It's just hard to spend such nights
Not worrying about cash.

I guess I'd forgotten
How easy the game is
At the fairly low levels
Where people's money they jizz.
  Perhaps one day I'll move up
And increase the stakes.
 But for now I'll appreciate
 The steady income it rakes.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


In the jungle, the mighty jungle,
The lion sleeps tonight.
In the bedroom, the quiet bedroom,
I lie awake at night.


A whim away?

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


It seems like an odd thing to say
But I've rediscovered lyrics.
 Of late they've been too honest.
Too hard-hitting. Too mystic.
 But last night, on Great Russell Street,
  As I did my best not to slip,
 The Hold Steady came on Spotify
And I didn't reach to skip.

I've spent most of my illness
With Mogwai my best friend.
 They make the world seem beautiful
 Even when I've seen the end.
 I carry them around with me
Every hour of every day.
 I have a Mogwai Young Team tat;
A shoulder-based Long Play.

 But back to Craig Finn's words of wonder.
Let's celebrate his wit.
 With the tragicomic Charlemagne
And his crude attempts to fit.
 The song that made me think again
Was track 3 from album 1.
 With the girl who tastes like pickle chips
And kids' calls for Born To Run.

 Yet all this time that words have hurt
I've found solace in the best ones.
Like the stories Stuart Murdoch tells
 In the Belle & Sebastian canon.
 And it was only just last Friday,
 When asked for my top three bands,
That Ian Dury & The Blockheads
Made it onto pondering hands.

 So what of this? What does it mean?
 Of words I've spoken freely.
 A fragile mind tends not to deal with
 That which is touchy feely.
 But since I've started this here blog,
Lucidity's come forth.
I'm just starting to see the sun
Even when I'm facing north. 


Monday, 21 January 2013


Hey! Wait! I've got a new complaint.
Dreadful dreams.
Sod them. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013


The writing on the packet reads
Don't use heavy machinery.
The problem is that everything
Is rather a large burden on me.

I guess I have to worry not
Of Pregnancy and breast-feeding.
However, all the rest of it
Makes interesting reading.

The side-effects have come and gone.
  I've found new ways to deal with 'em.
How long they'll be part of my life
We'll see - at least I know of 'em. 

Saturday, 19 January 2013


Museum and pancakes.
Exactly what it takes
To assist me to sleep
Appropriately deep.

Friday, 18 January 2013


Wow, post forty, here already.
Two score on the clock.
Close to six weeks heart and soul.
And me up in the dock.

I hope the stigma's disappeared
For those who feel the same.
And that there's something happening
To help you up your game.


Thursday, 17 January 2013


I have on my iPod
An expanding playlist.
Titled Beauty and Light
It shines bright through the mist.

 Deerhunter's Desire Lines
From Halcyon Digest
Seems never to finish
And allows brain to rest.  

 And This Will Destroy You
Come powerfully with Quiet.
 While Portishead's The Rip
Is a heavenly diet.

 The nine minute long Moth
 Burial with Four Tet.
 As effortlessly calm
As a Tom Dwan fourth bet.

New Paths To Helicon.
That's Part I, not Part II.
 A bonanza of feedback.
A pleasure to walk to.