I started this blog up at an apposite juncture;
I guess this whole year has been one long slow puncture.
It started in January (as all years do)
With me groggily rising for the 05:22.
The Tube runs all night on New Year's Eve
So there wasn't much stress with choosing when to leave.
It had been a fun night, with hugs, kisses, singing and laughter
But one thing that only just dawned on me after
Was just how many couples had been in that room
And just how being single was a matter of gloom.
I'm a sensitive guy (if you couldn't yet tell)
And that fact got me down on the bus to Fulwell.
I alighted at the picturesque Twickenham Green
For a hangover party for us all to convene.
When I see happy couples, I find myself equating
Their sense of well-being with the fact that they're dating.
I'd had girlfriends, yes, but nothing ever enduring;
I'd never found coupling especially alluring.
But a thing in me flipped on that bright Sunday morning
When my feelings of loneliness started a-swarming.